How To Market My Houston Home In Texas

Most sellers in Houston often find themselves wondering why marketing a home in a seller’s market should even be a concern. According to them, there’s no point of marketing a property in a market that already favors sellers. But I’m about to tell you what I learnt on how to market my Houston home in a seller’s market.

I knew that timing was everything when selling in Houston, TX. So, I had my timing right. But once I listed my Houston home, it took a while for offers to start streaming in. What did I do wrong? It’s simple! I never marketed my home just because I assumed the market conditions favored me. That’s how I know not marketing your house should be a serious concern.

How I marketed my Houston home in Texas

  • Online marketing

In the current market, the best way to market your property is do it online. A good number of prospective homebuyers in Houston often start searching online even before they reach out to a lender, cash investor, or agent. By the way, the search doesn’t end there just because they started working with a professional. They’ll continue searching online until they find their dream Houston home. Therefore, you’ll want to list your home on multiple online platform, to reach a wider audience.

Even though this can still be categorized under online marketing, it’s slightly different. Social media marketing will help you target those buyers who are browsing but not actively looking for homes in Houston, Texas. So it offers a different marketing layer. Searching for an ideal house might be on their mind, just not at the forefront.

  • Open house

Most real estate agents list houses for sale on Thursday. That’s because most potential buyers in Houston, Texas normally start looking at houses from Thursday to Sunday afternoon. So if you want to maximize the exposure, list the house when many buyers are out viewing already listed homes in your neighborhood.

Now let’s talk about open houses. Some people don’t like holding open houses because most people who turn up usually leave without offering anything. But that’s okay because you can never know who’s serious and who’s not.

  • Mailed postcards

It’s not common, but at times more effective. This form of marketing can be applied to houses that are unique or those that we love to refer to as “high-end”. A unique property will obviously have a limited buyer pool. For this reason, if you really want to target a specific type of buyer, you’ll need to use postcards.

  • Newspaper, Radio, and Television

These three were more effective in the past but nowadays, not so much. Their effectiveness rate is at 10 percent and that’s due to a number of reasons. First, not many people read print anymore. Secondly, you’ll rarely find people listening to radio. Lastly, people don’t really watch commercials.

Do you wish to know how to sell without marketing? We can show you how. Call us today!

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